Saturday, August 24, 2013

Moving to Texas, 2nd Wedding Anniversary, etc.

Hey ya'll. This is Susan. So far, Christopher has been in charge of this blog, but since he is preparing a talk for church tomorrow, I thought I would give everyone a much needed update.

Part 1: The 3-Day Move to Texas
First of all, a big shout out to both of our families who joined us on our wonderful trip across the country. They were an ENORMOUS help and I don't think we could have done it without them. Thank you!!

Christopher created itineraries for each of the cars, complete with directions, maps, places we could stop for breaks, and even road-trip games to play in the car. This reminded me of the packets he created for the members of our wedding party. He's awesome, I know. :)
While on the way down, We visited Christopher's sister, Gabrielle, at the company she works for, The More Good Foundation. Christopher presented (with style) his 8-minute Mormon sitcom to the COO of the company. This was a great opportunity for him, and the company might make this sitcom into a YouTube video.
Here are more pictures of the move:

My little brother, Mark, and I waiting to eat at Terra Mia (their gelato was delicious!)

The lovely red mountains of Utah.

Hi Utah.

These were all pictures of the first day. We gave up taking pictures on the rest of the moving days.

Some memorable events of the move were me running over a dead deer late at night and that same car getting a flat tire less than a half hour away from our final destination.

All in all, it was an ok move. We're happy to be in Texas. Some things we like are: the many restaurants, grocery stores, and other shops we are surrounded by; the friendly people, and the pool we have at our apartment complex. Some things we don't like are: the drivers who impatiently zoom around us just to stop at the same traffic light as us, the humidity (I'm still acclimating), and the many car repairs we've had done on our cars to have them pass the safety inspection.

Part 2: Our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
On August 20th we celebrated the accomplishment of being married two years to each other. Our activities revolved around a "2" theme. We read 2 children's books to each other at the library, took a 2 mile walk, got 2 ice-cream cones (2 for $1), and rented 2 movies from Redbox. We had an enjoyable day together and hope to continue to have many more. Christopher's add-note: We celebrated our 2nd Anniversary on a Tuesday (more 2's) and the total cost of our activities was $2.20 because we are, and I quote, "wicked poor". 

Part 3: Christopher's Birthday
Christopher was adamant about not celebrating his birthday. He feels like his birthday doesn't matter. Whatever. We celebrated it anyways. We got two coffee-free frappaccinos from Starbucks (thanks Mark for the giftcard!!) We also watched the movie OZ, which Christopher has been wanting to see for awhile.

One of Christopher's professors from BYU-I thought the movie was very misogynistic, but we thought otherwise. 

We'll talk about Christopher's job search and me trying to get resident-tuition in the next blog post.

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