Sunday, October 13, 2013

Don't Go Smelling My Farts

One thing Susan and I have learned about Houston is that it rains here kinda a lot. But usually it's sporadic. For an hour here, and an hour there. But yesterday we had about 8 hours of non-stop downpour. Since Susan had worked Friday night, we were going to date on Saturday. I had found a local pumpkin patch, but alas neither of us had interest in a muddy tromp. So we replanned on the fly and decided to find a duet and rewrite the lyrics Weird Al style. So for your enjoyment "Don't Go Smelling My Farts" to the tune of "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" by Elton John.

C: Don’t go smelling my farts
S: I couldn’t if I tried.
C: If I get indigestion
S: Maybe don’t get deep fried.
C: Don’t go smelling my farts
S: Here I brought you some tums
C: Oh, Honey, when you walk in the room
S: I just turn round and run

C&S: Ooh Ooh
S: Everyone knows it
C: When I eat bad
S: My nose is sad
C&S: Ooh Ooh
S: Everyone knows it
C: If you are smart
C: don’t smell my farts

S: Ooh Oh, I won’t smell your farts

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