Monday, October 21, 2013

We're Having a Baby

Susan and I are expecting a baby next May. I have noticed that babies do not do especially well with schedules, so May 11th is only a guess. We don't know the gender yet. We are excited. Susan and I have been married a little more than 2 years now, so the baby is a big blessing.

Susan has a doctor she likes right around the corner. So she is all set up that way. As for our emotions on the subject, very little of consequence has changed. Susan and I have always planned on having children, we still are, just now we have it on the calendar. I'm confident our excitement will grow as it gets closer.

Susan's health has been solid. She had typical symptoms badly for about a week and a half, and they've stuck around but only here and there since then. In our day to day lives this is mostly manifest as Susan not wanting to eat anything I make. I've started going to the store daily in order to keep up with her food moods.

The baby is due at the very end of Susan's semester, if she (my guess) or he (Susan's) can be a little bit late, Susan will have a perfect summer break off. If the baby comes a little early it'll be smack dab in the middle of final's week.

If the books we are checking out from the library is any indication, we are feverishly preparing and certainly nervous, but we have high hopes that this will be an acclivitous adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Wait. So before this, Susan did want to eat the things that you make? How strange...
