Monday, May 5, 2014

Five Months Later...

These last five months have been so hectic! Here's a summary of what's happened:

I started my second semester of graduate school. Along with taking fifteen credits, I began seeing clients at my university's psychological services clinic.
Christopher started his job with The More Good Foundation! He writes LDS-related articles for them to prepare for the launch of their website,, in March.

Christopher and I flew out to Las Vegas for Melody's wedding! It was wonderful and her reception was beautiful!
I also had a baby shower with some close family friends. Yum Olive Garden!

I met with my first couple in the clinic! It was exciting yet terrifying. One of my colleagues was my co-therapist and my other colleagues and supervisor were watching behind the one-way mirror. After our second session, our couple decided their problem had been resolved and no longer needed therapy. I say it's because we were just so superb as therapists. Haha.

I had another baby shower with friends from my ward. It was Harry Potter themed which was awesome!
There were "wands" (pretzel sticks) chocolate frogs, and butterbeer!

The cupcakes were decorated with a pretzel stick and a tootsie roll in the shape of a broomstick!

Gayle dressed up in her Hogwarts attire! So cool!

Micah represented the male spouses invited to the shower. :)

Friends who came to the shower.

More friends!

One of the first gifts I opened.

Christopher's company started preparing their launch of He spent countless hours writing articles so that there would be good quality content on the site.
Christopher and I went camping with our ward at Lake Livingston State Park. We had such a fun time walking around the lake and singing songs with our ward around the campfire...until we went to bed. It was a miserable night sleeping on the ground in our tent! We will definitely bring air mattresses next time!

The first week of April I had interviews with various internship sites in Houston. While my colleagues will start their internship in June, I will be delaying mine until September so that I can adjust to being a new mom. :) It was an exciting yet exhausting process of having 5 interviews in one week. We had to wait until the end of April to find out our placements, so we were all very anxious!
I also presented a poster at UHCL's student research conference! Ours was on how we would provide family therapy for the Grayson family from the TV show Revenge. I have my mother-in-law to thank for getting me hooked on the show when she watched it for analytical purposes as well! :)
Luciana, me, Yasman, and Andrea!

I had a 36-week ultrasound of Albus this month! Compared to the last ultrasound at 20 weeks, he is definitely bigger! He's still growing normally and the technician estimated his weight at 5 lbs. 3 oz. During the ultrasound, we saw him put his hand in his mouth! It was so cute!

My colleagues threw me a baby shower, which was so nice! I had a lot of fun and there was so much good food!

Christopher got a promotion at The More Good Foundation! He is now the content director and leads the website's writing team. He is quite busy now writing articles, having google chat meetings with his team, and scheduling the other articles his team writes.

I am at 39 weeks and I'm ready for Albus to make his debut! I have finished with all of my finals and presentations and feel pretty good about how I did on them. Heavenly Father definitely blessed me to get through the semester despite all the stress and worrying Albus would come early. Now I worry I'll end up going overdue...
I also received my internship site placement! I will be starting in the Fall semester at the Clear Creek Independent School District! There are two locations where I will be conducting group therapy sessions with students and meeting with families all over the district once a week. I'm excited to start and I think it'll be a good fit for me.
Christopher and I went to an event last week called Just Between Friends. People bring gently used kids items, like clothes, toys, furniture and sell them at a reduced price. Christopher helped set up for the event, and so we got to go early before the other people and shop! It was amazing the quality of stuff we found for such low prices! We got a baby carrier/backpack for only $20 and usually they're priced around $60-$90! It was almost overwhelming because there was SO MUCH STUFF, and I started asking Christopher several times if we needed this, or that. Luckily, he had brought a list of things we still needed for Albus, so he kept us on track.

Hopefully the next time we update the blog, there will be pictures of Albus!

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