Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Overdue Pictures of Albus

Recently my oldest son was born.

Susan and I named him Albus, as we had previously agreed.

For a one-sided, self-indulgent account of the entire event you can go over to LDS.net and read my column. What is this you say? You have a column on LDS.net? I do! Since last writing my job is going swimmingly well. I have built a team of several fantastic ----

Christopher! Pictures!

I hope that staves off the masses. As you can see he gets his looks from . . .

Wallace Shawn. The Sicilian from Princess Bride. Also he gets his eyes from his mother, and his chin from his grandfather.

Another picture of Albus to subdue the demanding legions. What was it you needed to keep the people happy? Bread and baby pictures?

Having a baby has proven exhausting. Not in the haha, oh-that's-so-cute-you're-a-tired-new-parent way, but in the oh holy hades hole my brains are going to start leaking out of eye sockets tired. Here's a recent picture of Susan and I for reference:

Albus is already developing a full-fledged personality. He will often look disgruntled:

And he has distinctive forehead wrinkles:

But we aren't sure where he gets it from.

He also loves life.

We know this because when we try to put him to bed he protests vehemently. Unbeknownst to Susan and I, we had become stellar company from which one cannot bear to leave.

But when he's awake we very much enjoy our time together.

We work:

We play:

We take care of each other:

And we fall in love:

Albus seems pleased with our efforts.

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